Linear Algebra: A Geometric Approach (Original) 2/e限量搶購
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Linear Algebra: A Geometric Approach, Second Edition, presents the standard computational aspects of linear algebra and includes a variety of intriguing interesting applications that would be interesting to motivate science and engineering students, as well as help mathematics students make the transition to more abstract advanced courses. The text guides students on how to think about mathematical concepts and write rigorous mathematical arguments.
Geometry is introduced early, using vector algebra to analytic geometry in the first section and dot product in the second.
Concepts and understanding is emphasized, doing proofs in text and providing plenty of exercises. To aid the student in adjusting to the mathematical rigor, blue boxes are provided which discuss matters of logic and proof technique or advice on formulating problem-solving strategies.
Rotations, reflections, and projections are used as a first brush with the notion of linear transformation when introducing matrix multiplication. Linear transformations are then treated in concert with the discussion of projections. Thus, the change-of-basis formula is motivated by starting with a coordinate system in which a geometrically defined linear transformation is clearly understood and asking for its standard matrix.
Orthogonal complements are emphasized, with their role in finding a homogenous system of linear equations that defines a given subspace of Rn.